Month: November 2014 (Page 1 of 2)

#MajorsCorner #PetrifiedForest #WilliamTheWeasel #Humour

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Occasionally someone will disparagingly call the senior mems by a name they think is slightly amusing, the latest being “the Petrified Forest.” Ha ha. Do we all feel better now? How childish.

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Step #5 Buying the condo in Puerto Vallarta;

In my last column Michelle and I had finally found a condo (not quite finished) in the Centro part of town, that appeared to serve all our needs, namely: A sea view, no car needed, a pool, new kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. The only kick in the sternum for me was, If we bought it, our budget would be exceeded by almost 50%.

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#MajorsCorner #ClubCharades #SmallpieceAnIdiot

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Milton, a man who spoke 10 languages, wrote something about revenge and immortal hate. Having feelings along those lines as I do, I will not be attending my club, the Home of Homes, today.

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#MajorsCorner #CottageCheese #SupermarketLove

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We were having a wonderful natter at the club the other day and did not notice Major Rudyard Hobble rolling around in his wingback, trying to get our attention. Finally the blind admiral, who has hearing just this side of a bat, said:
“For heaven’s sake, Rudyard, what is it? You are putting me off my frosty martini and I don’t like it.”

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#MajorsCorner #RemembranceDay2014 #CivilianDeaths

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2014 Major’s Corner Remembrance Day

This is the most awful day of the calendar year for most of us at the club: Remembrance Day. It was on this day that peace was declared at 11 a.m. on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. It was the end of the war that was supposed to end all wars. So many of our members were casualties.

Many denizens of this city will gather at the cenotaph near the harbour and other spots in greater Victoria to remember the soldiers who died for Canada. !
There is a special sadness this year, for it appears that war continues to worsen in the Middle East and Canadians are involved!

Also as I write this the country mourns the loss of two soldiers, killed on our home soil, sadly documented in the news these past few weeks. The once distant madness has now been visited on Canada.
A large amount of money has been donated for the families of the fallen, and not just from our own citizens. Substantial sums were sent from wildly disparate sources such as Rosie O’Donnell and Prince Charles. Thank you !
However this year I am also thinking of all the civilians who since time immemor- ial have died fleeing from war or been caught up in its grip. Where are the cenotaphs and hymns for them?
How many are there? Many millions I am afraid. There is no marker for the slaughter that took place outside the walls of Urgench when Genghis Khan slaughtered some 800,000 men, women and children. Nor on the plains outside

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